Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hello all,

I'm back home to Seattle. Thank you for all the support and cheer and fun this year!

As the New Zealanders' say....

"Good on ya'!"



Saturday, May 30, 2009


My friend Beth standing in front of my train (Christchurch to Picton) and then onto the ferry!

Geek moment... and OMG - yes... that's knitting!

My ferry from Picton (south island) to Wellington (north island)

Bust a move! Enjoy Zach... don't you love family? Hahahah!

Jette (from Germany) and I did a walking tour of Wellington city. We met at our hostel in Wellington.


Top of the cable car line

Botanical Gardents - sorry - couldn't rotate this on the computer I'm on...

Parliament - my friend Jette and I took a tour of Parliament and watched a very entertaining debate!

Church in Wellington

South Island...

My apologies in advance... the computer I'm on won't let me save so I can't rotate pics...

Cheers mates!

Lake Tekapo

Lake covered in fog...

Someone wrote this in the snow so I thought I'd pass it on... Hello mum!

I took a hike from my hostel near the lake at about 7:30am (right as it starts to get light). The lake was covered in clouds but up on St. John mountain (by the observatory) I was high enough up above the clouds and the views were spectacular. Pics don't do it justice...

More views - I watched the sun rise over these mountains

Milford Sound - these aren't in order... and yes... if they'd actually let me steer the boat I'd LOVE to!

Milford Sound - Mt. Metre - at the beginning of the boat tour

View looking west on the Milford Sound trip via bus (heading towards the pass)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A few more pics...

These are from a walk Beth and Diana and I took on May 7th near Taylor's Mistake along the coast, just outside of Christchurch.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mt Somers track - Miners Trail to Woolshed Creek Hut

Gerry's friend Mark was kind enough to take us on to this gorgeous trail for a day trip. This is also part of a 3 day hike. BEAUTIFUL.

Mark, Diana and Gerry

We took a break at the top before heading back down.

Diana and I


Downtown Christchurch

"Castles in the Air"

Museum buffs of course...

Arthurs Pass and road signs

Fun signs...notice how the tire tracks cross :-)

These birds are a bit aggressive! And they are known to eat rubber off of cars. I had one land on my head at the Willowbank Wildlife reserve here in Christchurch... I could just picture it biting my scalp...

Arthur's Pass - enjoy Gerry!
Road shot #800

Road shot #801... hahahah...

Monday, May 18, 2009

South Island map

New Zealand - Road trip with Beth and Gerry and Diana

Diana's brother Gerry and sister-in-law took us on beautiful road trip from May 8 - 11. We started in Christchurch and went up to Hanmer Springs (WARMMMMMMMM) then over Nelson Pass to Motueka. We spent two nights in Motueka at the Holiday Park and did a day trip up to Takaka and area for the beautiful views. Our next night was in Greymouth (Holiday Park) on the western coast and we detoured through Westport and then by Punakeiki Pancake Rocks for some spectacular views. We came back via Arthur's Pass.

Typical view

Motueka - My bakery

My other bakery... haahhaha!

Motueka - small river in town

Mushrooms in the Motueka cemetary (view looking west)

Possum wool scarves

Motorcycle at the farmers market in Motueka

View of Motueka and Bay from Takaka Hwy (looking south)

Upper Takaka - view from highway

Gerry and Beth's friends'- driveway

Gerry and Beth's friends' sheep

Tata Beach on the way to view Tatapua Bay

Golden Bay

Takapou Bay (I think)

Best View

View looking south of the Southern Alps

Diana and I

Murchison had the best place to stop to warm up by the fire for coffee and a bite to eat.

Buller Gorge on the way from Murchison to Westport and Greymouth (Hwy 6)

West Coast between Westport and Greymouth (north of Punakaiki Rocks)

Diana and I at Punakaiki - Pancake Rocks - view looking south

Punakaiki - Pancake Rocks - Looking north

Almost sunset...


Flowers at friends' house in Greymouth

Lichen on the pass

All or nothing! Greymouth Beach

Greymouth Beach

East side of Arthur's Pass

Out the car window