Saturday, May 30, 2009

South Island...

My apologies in advance... the computer I'm on won't let me save so I can't rotate pics...

Cheers mates!

Lake Tekapo

Lake covered in fog...

Someone wrote this in the snow so I thought I'd pass it on... Hello mum!

I took a hike from my hostel near the lake at about 7:30am (right as it starts to get light). The lake was covered in clouds but up on St. John mountain (by the observatory) I was high enough up above the clouds and the views were spectacular. Pics don't do it justice...

More views - I watched the sun rise over these mountains

Milford Sound - these aren't in order... and yes... if they'd actually let me steer the boat I'd LOVE to!

Milford Sound - Mt. Metre - at the beginning of the boat tour

View looking west on the Milford Sound trip via bus (heading towards the pass)

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