Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"What makes your skin crawl?"

It seems fitting that today's lesson for the teachers was on things you like or dislike, what makes you happy, what annoys you, and for fun I taught them...

"What makes your skin crawl?"

Tonight, while stepping over my bedroom doorstep, on and across my mat, I happened to step over a small king cobra. I was already halfway over the mat when I saw it and did the leap-jump-SCREAM-crap-"where do I go!!!"-SCREAM-hit-the-landing-and-keep-running thing.

Luckily the maintenance guys were nearby. They've heard me scream before and this was definitely not the "OMG it's a big bug" scream. It was a "non-stop I'm freaking scared out of my wits" scream. They ran up the stairs and peeked around the corner and immediately backed up. When the Thai people think something's not good I listen. I stayed downstairs while they hit the snake with a big stick (from around the corner) and then knocked it off my landing onto the sidewalk below. Then they got two small sticks and pinned it's head and wrapped it around and between the sticks. UGH. Then one of them came upstairs to look in my room to make sure there weren't more. I am wondering about my suitcases in the corner though... zippers are open but I'm NOT touching them right now. I'll deal with that when I'm more "stable!"

It's taken over an hour for me to "relax" and get my heartbeat back to normal!

May I come home now?

This is after they hit it with the stick...

Blurry but gives you size perspective


Alan Leong said...

As you would say: "**ckarada!

Joyann said...

Oh man - you crack me up. Never a dull Alan moment!

Alan Leong said...

Remember. Snakes are people too.