Monday, May 4, 2009

Sembalun & Gili & Auckland, NZ

Sembalun, Lombok, Indonesia was amazing. I spent a busy month there volunteering through 4th World Love. I helped teach English and Computers (Word and Excel) and also taught English in the primary and junior high schools. My homestay family was so sweet and the people of Sembalun are very kind.

I'm going to be brief here and just post some pics. I brought the wrong CD down with me so these pictures are from Gili Trawangan island which is where I went before Sembalun. [Okay - pics are taking way too long so I'm only doing 2 - I have major jet lag from the flight(s) from Indonesia to Hong Kong and 16 hour layover and the 10 hour HK to Auckland flight and... whine...whine...whine... I'm catching a 12 hour bus ride tomorrow to Wellington to see my nephew so I'm going to get some sleep].

The pics are of Gili Trawangan which is a bit of the party island and I was feelin' kind of mellow. Next time I'll probably go to Gili Meno instead as it's a bit more laid back. They are all beautiful but the heat was challenging for me. I think I'm a cold weather gal (although at the moment I'm in NZ freezing my tail off!!!) Hahahah!

I landed in Auckland today and was surprised at my response. I was SOOOOOOO excited to be back in the western world and to not stand out as the big American who's 10 feet taller than everyone else! AND to be in a culture where the native language is English is easier. AND I have a hot WESTERN shower and the city reminds me of home... sigh. I can't wait to come home! I'll be in New Zealand at least a month and then where? Maybe home. We'll see. Best and cheers! I'm staying at a hostel called Base Auckland Central Backpackers Hostel.


Bellringer said...

It's so great to catch up on your happenings. Sorry about the ankle, hope it heals quickly for you. And a great big congrats on the UW program. That is just incredible but not surprising for you.

Hope to see you soon. Sal.

Unknown said...

What a nice photo of that tree on the beach! Can't wait to see them all over dinner when you return.