Saturday, August 30, 2008

30 August, 2008

Last night I took my sheet thin blanket and laid it on the tile floor and slept with nothing but the pillow. Hard floor or not it was still more comfortable than the heat. The bed was too hot. There is plastic underneath the sheet on the bed which just holds heat and makes it rather unbearable to sleep. Even with the windows and ceiling fan it was too hot. I woke up early and moved back to the bed. It’s tolerable about 2 am until about 7 am. Then it's back to humid heat and sweat.

There’s off and on thunder and rain. I love the sound. I can’t hear it as well with the fan but I can still hear the thunder over everything.

I hopped downstairs for the internet and met a couple (Z and John) who have been traveling for about 19 months. They are from the US but looking for a country to live in elsewhere. The woman, Z, has been to over 90 countries (she stopped counting after 90). GREAT to talk to. I enjoyed her stories and information. In some ways we are a bit alike and have shared some similar experiences. They are fun and very easy to talk to.

Breakfast was banana pancake again and a cheese omelet and coffee and water. Sorry no pics this time.

After checking the web and paper for Phuket airport information (all of which is saying the airport is closed) I opted to spend the day lounging, going through my pictures and journaling, reading, writing and napping. I realize that there are things to see in Bangkok but this trip is also about self discovery and doing things I enjoy. And today I wanted to relax and read and do whatever I felt like. Temples and weekend markets… another time. Turned out to be a good decision as I needed the bathroom quite frequently today! Hmm… strange food must be catching up to me!

Later I came down for lunch and the internet of soup with noodles and chicken and met up with Z and John again. Another couple was there too, Robyn and Leor from Canada. We chatted and laughed for a couple hours. They are all a hoot and a wealth of information. And… they got me thinking about the Peace Corp. Hmm… let’s see… expenses paid and they pay for graduate school… but a two year commitment… SIGH. Ah well.

I checked online and there is still no information about the airport. According to the front desk it wasn’t the whole airport and Phuket airport is open. I’ll call the airlines in the morning when I check out to make sure. Good news.

I bought more water and my new favorite soda and am sitting in my room typing for this blog. I’ve had a wonderful day and really enjoyed the people I met. I also saw the couple from Ireland I met at the Grand Palace, the ones who recommended I check out this guesthouse. They are trying to get to Malaysia but can’t get a train so they are looking at buses.

This may turn out to be an interesting time to be visiting Thailand. If any of you are interested, I’m going to refer you to the BBC website for the updates to the why and what for the protests.

Well, I need to pack my bags and get to bed. I have to be up by 6:00 to have enough time to get ready and get to the airport.

I hope this post finds you well and having a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

Much love,


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