Sunday, August 3, 2008

Quote and Thank You

I'm packing and going through boxes of papers and I came across a quote that I'd saved.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
"There's magic in you. Let it out."
~David Brower

My life has been so great already. I am surrounded by phenomenal people that I love. I lift my glass in cheers and gratitude to you. To all of you - you inspire me and push me to be a better person. I have tremendous respect for each of my friends and my family. Thank you for being a part of this process with me and for being a part of my life.

Lauren, you are the best daughter I could ever have asked for. I'm proud of you and inspired by your excitement for your life. You will go far kiddo! You have a beautiful heart and mind and a lot of love and laughter to give! I can't wait for our road trip! One more week and we'll be driving and arguing about what radio station to listen to!! heh heh heh :-)

I'm beginning to get incredibly excited for this upcoming year. This process has been a bit of a roller coaster with trying to get everything done and processing how I feel about leaving everything I know and trying something I've only up to now dreamed about. I'm finally getting more sleep but now I'm sick. Hmm... couldn't be the vaccines and stress and packing and ... and... and... did I get everything done? And why am I doing this? Who's idea was this? Oh yeah - mine. I am extremely happy with my decision. I'm just sad about leaving all the people I know, my work, my home, my step-daughter, my pets and even my city - Seattle! I will miss my life.

This is something that has drawn me for a long time. I want to do something that I believe in and do it in other cultures and meet new people. We have so much here in the U.S. it's easy to forget and to be complacent. The purpose of my trip is to do three volunteer stints, each different from the other, and to do them in different countries. I want exposure to different programs and experiences. I want to grow and I want to contribute. I have an opportunity to do this and I would regret it if I hadn't made this decision. I am so grateful.

Cheers to you and I wish you all the best.

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