Monday, August 11, 2008

Leave when???

This was a whirl wind weekend. I clearly bit off more than I could get done in the time I wanted. I am now leaving for my Yellowstone trip a day late. My step-daughter and I are taking a road trip for a week of alone time before I leave for a year. I'm going to miss my baby!! Okay - she's 16 and busy but I'll miss the option of her only being a 1-2 hour drive away!

My friends Tara, Erika, Sally, Lindy and Natasha hosted a really nice goodbye party for me on Saturday. You gals are incredible. The party was very sweet. Thank you so much. You mean the world to me and I'm going to miss you! To everyone that was able to make it - it was so nice to see you before I leave. Thanks for braving the lovely traffic too! I can't wait to read your comments in the photo album! And see the pics!!

Thank you to all of the friends who came by this week and cleaned and packed and helped. Sunday's plan was to finish the place and leave by 9:00am. Yes- I know a couple of you laughed at the thought - you were RIGHT!!! By 2:00 I called a friend who showed up with reinforcements for "an hour of work" and were here until after 10:00 last night! Thank you all for being there and for helping Lauren and I. You guys are incredible.

I dropped my dog off at Teri and Sandi's yesterday and bawled half the drive home. He's got a great host family and he'll be fine but I'm going to miss him! Teri and Sandy - thanks for helping me out and for taking Sully. I know he'll be happy and in the best of care. He's going to love Lola too!

Thank you to all of you for the support and hugs and laughs with preparing for this. I truly have the best of friends and family.

Love and hugs!! We're off to Yellowstone!!

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