Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to know the kids here at Yaowawit as well as at the local primary school where I teach. I think they give back something far greater than anything I can ever teach or give them. They are all so incredible. I love to see them grow and remember things. I love to see the light go on when they figure something out. I love the hugs they throw at me in a full blown, dead run, "Kru Joyann!!!" These children are a gift.

The children here are very lucky to have been placed here. Yaowawit is a very special school in that it's one of the best in Thailand for orphans and it will be an example for other schools like it. They provide a loving family like environment, education, vocational training and so much more. During open learning they may learn something about the post office or future jobs or creative things. Last night after hours, I found one of the teachers teaching English cursive to students who had read about it and wanted to learn. This is AFTER a full day.

Sidenote: The teachers here work 6 days a week (some who live at the school work 7). They also spend at least one night here helping to care for the kids. One of the teachers helps her family run a restaurant in Kapong and also teaches here full-time. Besides the school I'm finding that many Thais work at least 6 days a week.

Today kindergarten three went on a "field trip" into the jungle. They are learning about different areas in the world... the sea, mountains, the jungle, waterfalls... They got to see a dead snake, a fish eating a bat (!!) and ... and... and...! Ina the other volunteer went with them and I sent my camera along. I stayed with kindergarten one and we did a "big kid" game of color bingo. They did pretty good for being so little! Then we played a color game where they run to different colored blocks. Most of the kids are getting these down now. Yay! (K1 is beginner/pre-school age, K2 is in the middle, and K3 are the "advanced" kindergarteners). I am working primarily with K1 and teaching using mostly games and coloring and keeping the program moving quickly. They have a very short attention span at this age. Some of our kids have learning disabilities or behavioral problems which can add to the chaos but they've each done incredibly well given some of their histories. Anyways, I come away from spending time with them playing or teaching and feel happy and inspired. These kids are going to make it out of poverty and be great people. They already are GREAT kids.

This afternoon I taught grades 5 and 6 (separately) at the local primary school. We played animal bingo (yes Bingo BINGO BINGO! today!). We reviewed different animals, I had volunteers come up and act out animals from a list and the other kids guess. Then we played the Bingo and the winners received yellow smiley face pins. Then for Christmas I had a Christmas tree picture for them to color with the words to Jingle Bells on the back. And of course... we sang Jingle Bells! Okay... I sang the verse and we all sang the chorus. And I played a borrowed Christmas songs CD while they colored. COOL BEANS! I won't get to see them until January so... the last few minutes I played hang man with words from the day and "SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!" I so enjoy these classes!

I hope your days are good and that Christmas is not hectic or stressful for you.

Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for being the great people that all of YOU are.
Much love.

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