Thursday, December 25, 2008


Today is the four year anniversary of the tsunami (12/26/2004). I'll just ask you to think of the many people who did not make it and especially those that survived and lost so many loved ones. Some of our children are orphans from the tsunami. One of my kindy kids was 4 months old and somehow survived. His mother died.

The Thais I've met here are incredibly generous and giving. A friend from England was here during the tsunami with his daughter and survived because they just happened to be at their hotel when it hit. Afterwards, men began moving many of the surviving women and children (westerners) to higher ground above Khao Lak. Thai women brought up rice and food ... even though many of them had just lost their own loved ones. These people are incredible. This is why my friend moved to Thailand.

I find that if I make even the smallest effort here, the kindness returned is much greater than what I gave. (Which makes me want to give even more!) The Thais at this school are amazing and very loving. Yesterday, even though they don't have a lot of money, a couple of my friends gave me gifts which brought me to tears. Another friend gave me a Christmas/New Year's card. She is a mother of one of our students and she also works here as a cleaning person. I really respect her. She speaks almost no English and still she went out of her way to buy me a card which was an incredible gift, especially knowing that they have so little.

I feel very grateful to be able to give something here but I think I'm getting the greatest gift in friendship and love.

I wish kindness and love for the victims of the tsunami and gratitude for the amazing spirit of the Thais.

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