Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bangkok - Day 2

Good morning all!

It is about 8:30 am in Bangkok on Wednesday, August 27th. I am staying at Wendy Guesthouse. I arrived yesterday about 10:30am and had a rather eventful trip from the airport to the hotel... lesson learned: don't be cheap and just pay the foreigner price for a taxi. Using the Airport Express is cheap BUT... 1/3 mile from the hotel with broken sidewalks and 4 flights of stairs... and I have 2 heavy suitcases and a heavy backpack and bag! :-)

Today I'm off to the Reclining Buddha and the Grand Temple. I'll try to post more later but wanted to let you all know I'm alive and well! The trip here went smooth - again - I'll add the details later.

My hotel is near the MBK a major shopping center and the Sky train (Siam Square area).

Also - please e-mail me your addresses - my address book could not be found in time to make my trip.

Love and hugs to all.


Mike Renville said...

Joyanne! You are an inspiration to me and my family! We love you very much and are proud of what you are setting out to do!!
take care Girl!!

Love Mike, Susan, Lauren and Hannah

Joyann said...

Thanks Mike!! This is pretty exciting. I'm proud of you guys too!