Sunday, August 31, 2008

Map to Takua Pa

I'm not sure if this will work or not, but here's a link to a map of Takua Pa...

Takua Pa is north of Phuket.

Okay so that didn't work. If you want to know where I'm headed, go to international maps on mapquest, type in Phuket for the city for Thailand and then go north on hwy 4 until you hit Takua Pa. The bus is taking Hwy 4 south from Bangkok.


Michael Uyyek said...

Hmmm.. not that far, really. You should email Chris and try to convince her we should come for a visit! I'll work on her from my end, of course. I can taste the ket dio and the green mango salad already! *grin* By the way, happy birthday! You're what, 26 now? Right? *wink*

Joyann said...

Mmm green mango salad? I have yet to try that! Although dinner tonight was yummy and spicy!!

Come visit! Come visit! Come visit! I would love to see you guys. :-)

Cheers and thanks for the B-Day wishes!