Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Living, eating and gettin' around...

I love my place! My bicycle ride home at night is great. I have yet to get a helmet but hope to do so soon. Sometimes I ride home in the dark which isn't too dangerous - the main concern I have is being chased by the dogs that sleep during the day and chase me at night! Although I am going slower on the way home cuz it's uphill!

My bicycle and I have an ongoing stand off about who gets to choose what gear I'm in. The bicycle or me. Hmm... well since the bike is ornery and I'm yelling at it... it needed a name. George seemed fitting until I remembered... Mike R's real name is George and that just won't do cuz he's a nice guy. Then the other morning, the local rooster walked up to open the office door and screeched his call so loud I jumped out of my skin... (it was SO loud Dylan heard it on Google talk!). Since then, the bike has been christened The Blue Rooster.

Blue Rooster and the Fresh Coconut! HAHAHAHAHHA!

I am now set up with a propane burner and in between eating at the local Bali warung (small "booth" on the side of the road with yummy food) and the western yummy restaurants, I'm cooking fresh vegies and fruit dishes. YUM. I missed cooking! And of course... being the geeky photo taker I am... I've taken pictures of most of my meals!

Mornings I wake up to the sound of roosters calling (they start about 5:00). I'm having trouble sleeping lately, mostly cuz I'm fired up about working on the education for SOS and from reading Mountains Beyond Mountains. That book had me pacing the floor. There are things that I am passionate about changing. I'm not a health care professional but I believe in what PIH and Farmer and Kim et al are doing. Personally, one of the things I am very interested in learning more about and making work better is the foster care system in the USA but I'm also interested in poverty and inequality issues abroad (and in the US) so reading this book got me ramped up even more. There is so much to do. Organizations need to collaborate across fields and across political and profit lines to get things done. Anyways, I'll stop before I go on and on and on! It comes down to this for me - there are things to do and not enough time and I need more experience, more training, more... more... more... I want to learn and to contribute and take action. ANYWAYS. :-)

First dinner I cooked here! YUM.


Unknown said...

Those are some dishes I could really enjoy! Especially the peanut sauce one... yummy! You'll have to make that when you get back (for us!)

Alan Leong said...

The food looks incredible. Have fun riding the blue rooster!