Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ubud, Bali

Hello all,

I'm officially in Bali, Indonesia now in a small town of Ubud. From first glance I'm thinking this is a tourist town. So far the foods been excellent and my guest house is nice.

I'm staying at Narasoma Homestay.

You know me... inexpensive but clean and nice.

I'm sick with some kind of chest/throat cold again. I'm hoping that not working directly with 4-7 year olds will decrease the number of cold/flu bugs I've been getting!

I'm still actively looking for volunteer opportunities in Bali. For the moment I'm playing tourist though and enjoying it here.

Ubud is absolutely beautiful. The stone work, carvings and temples are gorgeous and intermixed between houses and businesses are rice fields and statues... and somewhere around her is a view of a volcano but I've yet to find it. I did find a restaurant above one of the canals last night... very pretty.

I have a new Bali phone so please e-mail me if you want the number.


Alan Leong said...

Does this mean you're a carrier now?

Joyann said...

Joyann... "International traveler and carrier of the common cold and lice and any other bug carried by small children...please let me know if you need some transported..."