Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey

Hello all,

I'm pretty sick - had to go to the doctor yesterday for antibiotics for tonsillitis - couldn't swallow or turn my head and my left throat gland and tonsil are huge - LOTS of fun, let me tell you! I have to rest for 3-5 days which means no teaching. :-( Sad. Sigh. A number of the kiddos are sick too.

One side benefit though... a friend called from Phuket (Shirley's brother) and I will be going to Phuket to stay in a nice bungalow for several days. AND... there is a restaurant serving a huge Thanksgiving buffet for the local expats so... if I'm feeling up to it I'll get to have Turkey dinner tonight with some Americans! YAY!! And then sleeping... and sleeping... and sleeping... no rest for the wicked! *chuckle*

Love to you all and Happy Turkey!!
Sawat-dee ka!

ps... Please don't worry about the Bangkok demonstrations and things going on there. I'm safe and doing okay.


Unknown said...

Wow! We hope you feel better... I'm sure a lovely rest in Phuket will make you all better. Glad you're safe from the things going on there... take care of yourself!

Shirley Ross said...

I sure hope that by now you are feeling better. How is the job going? Today is our Underwriting Party and so everything is festive. What are you going to do for Christmas? Bob said they opened the airport and he is coming home on the 16th. He did make the comment that you would be OK over there even with everything going on. Rayanna is excited, they hired someone from Southern Cal to help her out. She is going to be sitting across from your old desk. I did think that you looked like you had lost a lot of weight and that you look so relaxed and happy. No stress does wonders. Anyhow, I hope you wonderful days ahead and take care of yourself. Love ya. Oh and you need a facebook!