Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hello all,

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you are surrounded by friends and the people you love. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays so I am regretting not being home... okay a little! I do love Thailand and Nepal was wonderful so I'm glad I've taken this opportunity even though it means I won't spend the holidays with all of you.

Please eat extra turkey and potatoes and pumpkin pie for me. SIGH. That's the best part... overeating!

Because I won't be able to share my gratitude in person...

I'm thankful for all of you - my family and friends and for the opportunities in my life. I'm thankful I have my health and education and for the ability to work. I'm thankful that I'm a US citizen - for the good and the bad. I'm thankful for this opportunity to travel and volunteer. I'm thankful for the love I receive and give both here and at home. You are gifts in my life. Thank you for being part of my life and for sharing this with me.

And Dylan, this one's to you! It's an "OMG my girlfriend's off her rocker!!" moment so advance warning provided...

I'm also thankful that I'm not vegetarian... I'm thankful that I can eat and ENJOY eating turkey! For those who do not eat meat... I apologize for any offense ... but Turkey day would NOT be Turkey day for me with tofu turkey. My hat is off to those of you who choose to do this because I've considered (well maybe remotely considered) being vegetarian but I draw the line. TURKEY is not to be given up for any reason. Those of you who do eat turkey, please enjoy some extra pieces for me! I'll be drooling from Thailand and thinking of how to best enjoy it next year. Hmm, maybe I'll celebrate twice. Oh... and that reminds me... it would probably be hard to give up the Christmas ham as well. Sigh! Another meat eating holiday I can't enjoy at home! Oh well... yes ... I'm still a meat eater and probably will be next year too. Sorry Dylan! :-) (And Scott... and, and, and... ) :-)

Happy Thanksgiving and much love. Enjoy your turkeys ... tofu and all!

1 comment:

Shirley Ross said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Sure hope that you are OK. Bob sent me the article about the Bangkok Airport being taken over and closed. Bob always has Thanksgiving with a group over there, you should give him a call and meet up with him for dinner. Love you and hope you are Safe!