Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It's funny what being out of contact can do. I have a craving for news and information about home and the world. I'm not normally a news junky but the past few days I've been scouring newspapers and even bought the Economist. I also want to understand country development and learn more about a couple human rights issues. I'm finding I want to read and read and read. Fiction, non-fiction, news, documentaries...

When I was in Nepal, the elections took place on the day or two I was crossing the Thorang La Pass. I found out through an Israeli at dinner that night that Obama won the election. Strange feeling, getting important news about the USA while I'm remote in Nepal from another tourist who's not from my country... and learning it from an Israeli.

Traveling before, during and after the elections was interesting because so many people would ask me what I thought about the elections and who should win and why. Most of the people I spoke with hate George Bush and want to know why the US elected him twice. They say, "most of the Americans they've met traveling didn't vote for him... so who did?" All but one person I've met in my travels were in support of Obama. I won't tell you where I side on this - only my observations. I find it incredibly interesting how many people were paying attention to what was happening in US politics and that they had strong opinions about what the US is doing. Many seem to think that the "great empire" of the US is in decline and has been for a bit and that China will be the leader in the not so far off future - perhaps they already are.

Lots to think on, lots to learn.

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