Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hello all,

Nothing exciting to report other than I fly to Bangkok today. I leave Kathmandu at 3:30, have a layover in Bangladesh for a few hours (yay! I was able to change this to the same day so I don't have to stay the night) and I arrive in Bangkok about midnight).

I will miss Nepal - I'm a little sad to leave! Although I am looking forward to getting back to Yaowawit and the children. I've missed everyone there but... sigh... Nepal has been really wonderful.

I'm still sick. Spent much of yesterday in bed and ended up not going to see one of the best views in the world this morning because I'm still sick. I would have had to get up at 4:00 am to make the 1.5 hour drive to Nagarkot (sp?). Sigh. That would have been nice but that's okay. I've seen and met some amazing people.

I did get to see the Monkey Temple yesterday which was really cool but I didn't stay long.

I'll be able to post pictures once I'm back at the school where it doesn't cost me anything to download them to my computer.

I hope your Thanksgiving plans are going well - I'm in "Turkey Day Envy" as this is one of my favorite holidays!

Much love and hugs to you.

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