Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Back in Phuket

Okay, so I'm back in Phuket tonight. I'm staying at... you guessed it! My fav the Old Town Hostel. I will be going to Kata Beach again tomorrow morning after taking care of some errands and then staying in a guesthouse or bungalow in Kata for Thursday and Friday night.

I'm meeting Uncle Jew back at a noodle shop by the Merlin hotel in Phuket at 9:00 am Saturday morning.

Today is the first night of the Vegetarian Buddhist festival so if my stomach settles down (just started again tonight) then I'll head out and walk the streets with the festival crowd. It's kind of a Chinese Buddhist festival (I think). You can google it... or I may get the real details and blog later.

Anyways, those participating are wearing all white. There are Chinese lanterns lit along the street and they are beautiful. Along the sidewalks are vendors with lots of food and goodies. I believe the crowd is actually headed toward the Chinese temple to see the Buddha so I may jet shortly... Phuket is a pretty okay place to walk around at night.

I've run into two of our students so far, one of which was one of my students. They live here in Phuket Old Town and are on their break. These kids are awesome. I miss them!

Anyways, I wish you all the best.
Love and hugs,

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