Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pics - enjoy

I posted a few pics but need to run... I'm off to pack for Bangkok. By the way... I purchased my Nepal ticket and leave Bangkok on the 19th of October. CAN'T WAIT!!!

Yes... only a dork would take a picture of their drink!! Chuckle. This is me in Kata Beach on Oct 2 at the Oyster Restaurant.

Kru Noi and I with a view of Phuket Town from Big Buddha (yes these are seriously out of order). With the flash you can't see the city... sigh...

Vegetarian Festival in Phuket Town (Oct 4)

After sunset at Kata Beach

I know I called this a "bell" and it's not - feel free to correct me because I can't remember the name of it.

Big Buddha overlooking Phuket town

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