Monday, October 6, 2008

Fashion and fun! What? Same sentence! Oh my.

Okay gals, cheers to you shoppers out there. I am not one of you. I do like fashion but it's more work than I'm willing to put in. So... for those of you savvy shoppers, I apologize. I am not giving up my Chacos for sexy shoes. Of course a new friend would disagree... "one doesn't have to look homeless while their trekking! You do have pictures taken don't you?" Hmm... food for thought. I still hate shopping. And... I'm still not giving up my Chacos... homeless attire or not!

Fiona and I arrived in Bangkok this morning at 7:00 am after a tiring night of bus travel. Much of my sleepy thoughts - or perhaps they were dreams - were of large speeding bullets going round and round, riding a bus that was too large and top heavy to be going so fast on narrow harried corners, maybe this is what an acid trip is like... the world spinning by and you can barely make out the shapes and silhouettes ... passing large trucks on corners with solid no pass lines... dark dark night in a foreign land..." I really do think I was dreaming. REALLY.

Today I spent with Fiona and her friend Georgie from Australia. Georgie buys a ton of fashionable clothes in Bangkok and Bali and also has some manufactured in Bali as well, both her designs as well as ones she sees. She then ships them home to Aussie land and sells them. (Dresses can be bought for $5, add in shipping fees and then sell for $30-90). She's got an eye for fashion and is gorgeous and a lot of fun. I tagged along to see how someone else makes their living. A lot of work from what I see but she's got a talent and spunk. And I had help finding a new dress! I don't mind if someone else is shopping.

Anyways, made for an interesting day. Tomorrow I'm off to find the Embassy of Nepal to get my Visa and to meet up with Kellie. I'll be staying with her the next two days. Tonight the three of us gals (Fiona, Georgie and I) are sharing a three-bed room at the New Siam II off Khaosan road in Bangkok. Check out the website if you're interested... for the curious... 1125 baht split 3 ways. :-)

I had pizza, pasta and a Margharita tonight. I LOVE western food and did I mention... alcohol?

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