Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last Thursday, October 9

Last week, Kellie and her boyfriend Ken took Fiona and I on a tour south of Bangkok - about an hour or two south? I will get the names after my Nepal trip because I can't remember them off the top of my head and I also don't have my computer so I can't post the pics.

Ken drove us to a market on the river where we caught a tour boat that lasted about 1-1.5 hours. It was so beautiful and incredibly refreshing after spending the week in Bangkok. Ken and Kellie are a lot of fun and Ken was very kind to take us around. There are numerous Thai house boats on the river. One side was more commercialized and the other was much more traditional thai housing. We had ice-cream from a small vendor in a boat on the river. YUM!!

After the market we went to a summer palace that is on the university grounds where Ken got his engineering degree. He is a material engineer and works in Bangkok (he's a plastic engineer there). The summer palace and grounds were gorgeous.

We had a light 'snack'/dinner at a market near his family home and then went and met his mother and saw his house. He was born and raised here.

From there we went to a temple that is the tallest in Thailand and the world (if I understood correctly). Again - I'll get the names later.

Dinner was at a market - excellent dinner! Ken not only drove us around but also treated us to the tour and meals which was incredibly generous.

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