Thursday, October 23, 2008

Annapurna Circuit

Hello all,

I begin today.

I left Kathmandu at 6:30 and took a bus to Besisahar which took about 7 bumpy, windy, beautiful hours. Although... let me advise others who might want to do this... have your legs shortened about 6 inches before leaving the US. It might make all buses much more comfortable!!

The scenery is incredible. The road after Dumre is barely wide enough for 2 buses to pass each other and that's only in "most" portions. The road is deteriorated and we also ran into a "road block" where about 20 people (including some kids) were waiting, rope held across road, to collect a fee to pass. Hmmmm...

Another highlight on the ride was a sign I saw (besides the incredible views - did I mention the views)? "Bridge damaged, please drive slow, one vehicle only." This as our bus barrelled over it! OMG. The bus takes a road that goes up and down several small mountains and along the edge with a great lookout. Just don't look down.

Anyways, I won't post all the details until my trip is over. Just know that I am safe and doing well. I will begin hiking either today or tomorrow. If I spend the night in Besisahar then I'll just hang out here today. I may opt to go to Kuhdi though...either catch a jeep for 30 minutes over the bumpy dirty road or walk the 3 hours. Which may mean 4 for Miss Heavy Pack. It weighs about 18-20 kg. I hope to get back to Thailand "Fit and Firm" as Pi Jew says!

There are a lot of other trekkers and I mean a LOT. I have my eyes and ears open and am enjoying the Nepali people.

I may not have access to internet the rest of the trek which I plan on taking at least 3 weeks. "Heavy Pack and All." :-) Title for my book Dylan? haaaahahahhah! Anyways, the power and internet/phone connection are sketchy but I will try to keep everyone posted. I'm okay and happy! And it's so beautiful. I think I'm in love with Nepal!

Love and hugs to you all.

1 comment:

kuku said...

Hello Joyann!
Wish you exiting trekking trip! I did the same circuit last April.
It was very hard but exiting. I was also carrying my backpack, 15-16kg...felt so heavy!!!
For your safety I must inform you that when you stop even for a rest,please look first up that there is no possibility for land- or rockslides. When we vere there, in Tal died 1 person and few injured; lots of rocks fell on them... we saw the rescue helicopter...sad.
Also use ACAP's safe water posts. There's many of them.
And also there's internet access in many villages if you wish to keep in touch with your friends.
One more thing: go slowly towards thorung La... take time...even more now, if you are carrying your backpac by yourself.
I'm very eager to read your news on the way.
Have a very fulfilling and safe trek!
Take care!
Kuku from Finland