Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 6 - Chame - 2,670 m/8,760 feet

We arrived in Chame about 1 hour ago. 6 days of trekking is incredible although I think I'm ready for a slower day. (We started in Besisahar at 820 m and are now at 2,670 m... about 2,500m to go)!

I will post more once the trek is over as internet is 15 Rs per hour and if it's like electricity in Nepal, it's not reliable!

The views and mountains and people are amazing.

I've connected with a German family, a brother - Peter, who's about 50 years old, his sister, Gina - 49, and the brother's daughter, Mascha 19. I met them on Day 2 near Ngadi where we had lunch and we've trekked together and shared rooms and dinner since then. We may continue on together... who knows. They are very kind and a lot of fun. Lauren - the daughter is 19! Actually... we first met on the bus from Kathmandu so that was funny to share stories of that part of the journey too!

Anyways, I'm very happy and doing well. We are safe and enjoying the trek. Normal aches and pains for packing our own stuff. I opted for no porter or guide as did they so it's been fun to hang out! I've also ditched the hot water bottle for a regular water bottle (much lighter) and one of my books! We've been eating the peanut butter I bought and cashews and they've been sharing their chocolate... a valuable commodity at 2-3000 meters where it costs about 200 Rs per candy bar... $2.50. :-) So... thank goodness the packs are getting lighter!

Much love to you all. Nepali tea is beckoning... and Tibetan bread and Daal Bat and well anything but Yak Curry! Peter (the dad) tried it last night - he had one bite and passed! I tried it... it's pretty strong and as he put it, it tastes like "200 year old sheep." We all have loads of stories to share!

Anyways, I will not be responding to e-mails for another 2-3 weeks so please bare with me.

Michael - thanks for the comment!

Love and hugs!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! Sounds like a real adventure and I'm proud of you for trying yak curry... not sure I would have the stomach. Be safe!