Monday, September 29, 2008

Cooking with Than

Last week one of the cooks, Than (same name as one of the teachers) let me help her cook dinner. She lives in one of the room houses near me and every night she goes over to Sri's which is in the same group of houses and cooks dinner for Uncle Jew, Sri, herself, her boyfriend and sometimes me.

This dish is "like a carrot...but not carrot." Basically it soaks (and it's either really salty or been soaked in salt). She kept pointing to the salt and to the "non-carrot" saying "same-same." We chopped it, fried it in oil and garlic and added a scrambled egg. It was YUMMY. I had dinner with them that night.

Than has a wicked sense of humor - like Kru Than but different. I love laughing with them.

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