Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday September 12, 2008

This weekend was a lot of fun.

Friday evening I had dinner "at the restaurant" again. The big event of the night however was that I ran out of water. It becomes challenging when you no longer use toilet paper and rely on water. I'll leave that one for you to consider...

So my evening on Friday was spent finding a way to fill the giant blue barrel in my bathroom with a foot or so of water (and doing laundry). I am now sold on the idea of potentially needing to use the barrel. And I am now educated on the use of the barrel. :-)

The "barrel" or rather what looks like a big plastic trash bin is to be filled with water. Showers are actually a rather new "invention" in a developing place as there were no showers in huts, nor was there running water. So while I have no idea on how to use the barrel, many of the children had to be taught how to use the shower when they first arrived. The bucket when filled with water (that is emptied and refilled somewhat regularly and I use the term "regularly" loosely of course) is used to bathe. A bowl or cup can be dipped in the barrel to put water on oneself and bathe and rinse. I had a problem with this concept until I had no running water. Now I am a believer in the barrel. Ode to the Barrel... sounds like a song...

As for where I got the water on Friday night, for some reason the water in Kru James' house worked as did the water in the kitchen area off of my house. So I filled my barrel with as much water as I could at the kitchen faucet in my kitchen and was able to get enough to make sure I had no more problems! And of course...about an hour later my water started working. Small things ARE a big deal thank you!

Kru James says that this is much like everything in Thailand. Sometimes you have internet, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you have water, sometimes you don't. This applies to electricity and any number of things!

So... lesson for me on this night... listen and DO when you are taught something about a culture as there is pretty likely to be a reason for it.

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