Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goodbye dinner in August before I left...

I don't think I posted this before... some of my UW Bothell/Center for Student Entrepreneurship friends gathered for a Thai/Asian dinner in Kenmore before I left to give me a send off...

Each of them dressed as a different US holiday since I was going to miss them for the whole year! They were people dressed as Valentine's Day, Halloween, Memorial Day, New Years, "boxing/re-boxing" day, "Dress like a pirate day (or maybe it was "Learn to talk like-a-pirate day"!), St. Patrick's Day, 4th of July, and let's see... a couple people said they were dressed in BIRTHDAY suits but had covered up that outfit with clothes... hee hee hee...

Thank you for the love and sweet words.

To all of my friends - you may or may not receive cards from me... I'm finding the stationary and mail thing challenging and of course did not get things mailed in time before I left. So if you don't receive anything from me...

Thank you. Korp kun ka. I am so grateful for you all.

Thank you for your cards and support ... thank you...
....for those of you that DROVE on a particularly rainy and wretched night to give me a nice send off and
....for those of you who hosted goodbye parties for me
....thank you for the cards and kind gifts
....for the donations to Yaowawit School

.... for those of you that have been there for me through all of this
....through thinking about doing this...
....through deciding to do this
....through me wanting to throw in the towel and NOT go (after I decided to do this AND bought my ticket...)
....through finally and actually doing this...

... to those of you who send me wonderful e-mails and letters those of you that call all of you...

...I am so grateful for your friendship and your love and your kindness. I am so glad to have you in my life. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.

With gratitude.

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