Monday, September 29, 2008

Websited for Annapurna info and pics...

I'm booking my flight from Bangkok to Nepal today. I will leave Bangkok October 19 and return November 20. I won't be taking my laptop so I probably won't be able to post my pics for a month. I'm also not sure how much internet access I will have there. I could be out of touch for 3 weeks but I'm not entirely sure. There is a lot of tourist traffic through Annapurna so who knows.

I will stay in Kathmandu for 3-4 days getting my trekking permit and information and anything I need for the trip and then take a bus to Pokhara where the trek begins. I will need a few days at the end of the trip for purchasing my visa for returning to Thailand as well. Then back to Yaowawit... fit and trim as Uncle Jew says!

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