Friday, September 26, 2008

Internet! Oooo la la!

It's a Saturday and the internet works at the school! WOW! First time in the whole month!!


I can actually post blogs, e-mail, research my next stint, get more info on Nepal... coolness.

Nepal update: I'm almost ready to book my ticket. I'll just need to add a few more days and check a couple more logistics.

  • Correction to my previous posts and e-mails: you cannot see Mount Everest from the Annapurna Circuit (Circus) trek I'm doing - it's a different set of mountains but from what I hear, less difficult and more beautiful. Hmm... it's all relative. They are mountains... they will be beautiful.
I'll post more in a bit... gotta check some internet stuff while it's still working... I'll post more later if it's still up!

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