Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Did I mention that the shower is cold water? It's warm here but it's not THAT warm! Actually the last couple of nights it's gotten colder and it's been raining more and more.

Okay so back to the shower, try getting into the shower first thing in the morning and every afternoon... this is where my "English" kicks in with "Awe bloody 'ell!!!" It's not as cold as Seattle cold but it's definitely NOT warm or lukewarm!

And the big blue garbage can looking tub next to the sink/shower... I'm assuming this is for bathing but quite frankly I'm not about to give that a go so I haven't bothered asking! Cold shower - no choice. Cold bath? Not a chance! :-)

Have a great day and enjoy your shower for me!


Mo' The Fish said...

I am taking a hot shower right now...wait a minute, that isn't water...that is ...ugghh..PEE?


Joyann said...

Sick I tell you!! Sick! BWWASAAHHHH!!

Mo' The Fish said...

So, what do you miss the most? Twinkies...Coke...Hot Dogs....French Fries...Orange Juice?

Joyann said...

Well if you must ask... Dylan! Oh food... right... okay... Burgermaster and a chocolate shake and fattening fries!!! And bread. Although I just found some at 7-11 THANK GOODNESS!!! Now I need to round up a toaster!