Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some pics for your enjoyment... chuckle...

This is a tree that is near the front of the Yaowawit Property. I am on the steps outside of the hospitality area (hotel) leading down to the volunteer rooms.

Ahh... they are so quiet.... can someone get me a HORN!!! Yes, I'm still a brat at heart!

The children love to climb on me. Here I'm sitting on the "platform" of the theatre area (a big open air area, much like an auditorium except there are no doors or windows. Usually I've got a couple on my back yelling "Kru Joyann!!!" An attempt to get me to guess which one's on my back and covering my eyes... :-) They also love borrowing my camera!

One of my favorite pics...

A brown snake (I have no idea what kind... poisonous or not... I kept my distance but of course couldn't resist following it for a bit and snapping pictures!

Ahh... look closely... this is a tiny scorpion, just smaller than the tip of the fingertip on my smallest finger. This one was hanging out on the side of the step to the patio area/kitchen area I share with Kru James. It was very afraid of big, bad me. Heh heh heh!

Chicken for dinner but no heads... (I don't think so anyways! These were by the dishwashing sink).

A visit down memory lane to my August trip with Lauren. I'm missing my girl today.

My kiddo and I at the "Grand Canyon" of Yellowstone. Yellowstone River Waterfall.

A couple people I miss... *sad face*

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