Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday, September 14

Sunday was a day of sleeping in and phone calls and cleaning and laundry.

At the mall on Saturday I bought cleaning supplies and sponges and a scrub brush. The bathroom and I were going to have a chat. A mushroom had grown up from the crack in my bathroom floor last week and I decided there weren't going to be any more fungi growing in my bathroom if I could help it! I doubt I will win this one but I spent 2-3 hours cleaning my bathroom, washing the mold off of the kitchen door in my building (next week I hit the next door), washing the hallway floor, scrubbing the mud off my entry pavement, sweeping and mopping my room and scrubbing the landing and stairs. Hmmm... if I scrub hard enough maybe it will feel like my home in America! NOT. Nice try though! It is nice to have things clean though!

There were visitors from a nearby bank here to visit the school and to make food and money donations. They were very kind. They toured around (I had the pleasure of seeing them in my sweaty cleaning clothes and moppy hair).

The school is valuable to the community as well as to the children it serves.

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