Monday, September 29, 2008

The making of Kanomtom and Kanomtian

Each school has the recipes and information what they are making on a table or board. This is Yaowawit's:

Our children were making two dishes. Kanomtom and Kanomtiam. Kanomtom is sticky rice with beans wrapped in kapao leaf which is a yellow and green leaf. Kanomtiam is a peanut sticky goo that is really good, the consistency is similar to caramel but tastes of peanuts. This is wrapped in a piece of banana leaf which is the dark green leaf. The day prior to the exhibit the students and teachers spent a lot of time cutting the banana leaves to just the right sizes and prepared the ingredients. I helped decorate the boards.

The ingredients and brochures with recipes are on the table. This is a picture of the ingredients for Kanomtiam (peanut goo).

The children are making each of the dishes at tables behind the presentation table. Once enough of these are ready they are steamed on a propane cooker behind the tent which is manned by a couple of the boys.

The kids at this table are making the Kanomtian.

These ones are making the Kanomtom.

Kanomtom (the sticky rice and beans to the left are what we squished into these. They may look easy but I had a hard time making the folds right! The ones with the knot on the stick end are the ones I made.

There was a woman taking pictures (I think they are from Phuket if I understood her right - maybe from a local newspaper or another school?). Kru Apple was teaching me how to fold the kapao leaf and this woman took a break from pictures to show me as well. Her other photographer took pictures of us... those pictures probably turned out much better as they had some cool cameras!

Picture of me and Kru Than (sounds like "Dan"). She's got a wicked sense of humor... she's the one teaching me all the wrong words in Thai!

The final product. The lighter yellow leaves have a sticky rice and bean mix. The dark green ones have a peanut pasty goo that is really good. The kids placed 3rd.

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