Friday, September 12, 2008

Gasp, c hoke, cough!!!!!

I ate my first ants today! Chocolate ants. Not intentionally. I had some peanut butter M&Ms left over from the US and have had them in a zip lock back in my room with some nuts and power bars, etc. SEALED in a zip lock bag I tell you. SEALED is a relative term apparently.

I came back to my room wanting something from home and decided to have a bite. Ate about 15 of them and was looking at the bag wondering why they were already melting in my hand and the bag... they weren't melting and that wasn't chocolate in the bag. It was ANTS! These ants are just barely larger than a millimeter. YUCK! I promptly took the whole bag to the kitchen that I share with Kru James and washed the bag and all of the "sealed" chocolate (unopened). Full faucet water, washed them all off and put what was still un-ant-contaminated in the fridge. UGHHHH!

To top it off while I was washing things, out comes a scorpion about the size of a nickel and then he promptly disappeared leaving me to wonder if I was seeing things! Apparently not.

A happy day of firsts. First chocolate ants and first scorpion. I'm on the next flight home thank you very much! I told Kru James I was done with bugs and leaving. He laughed and said "I ain't seen nothin' yet!" Apparently at the start or end of "one" of the seasons, there are huge beetle like bugs that the children "adopt" as pets and walk around with them crawling on them. These things are about 3 inches long? UGHHHH!! I'm leaving now! Oh wait... it's almost dark and the bugs come out at night. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to wait until morning. HAH!! I'll be fine... really... Talking to self..."YOU WILL SURVIVE THE BUGS. YOU WILL SURVIVE THE BUGS. YOU WILL SURVIVE THE BUGS. YOU WILL SURVIVE THE BUGS. YOU WILL SURVIVE THE BUGS. YOU WILL SURVIVE THE BUGS. "


I'm off to the final restaurant dinner of the week. I'll post pics next time.

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