Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kata Beach and the bus trips home...

These are not really in order.

I went to Kata Beach about 9:00 am on Sunday. I road the bus which was about a block from my guest house. This bus goes from Old Phuket to the Kata and Karon Beach only.

I got back to Old Town about 1:30/2:00 and walked a TON trying to find the international telecommunications building where I can buy my really cheap phone cards. These are 2 baht a minute to call home which is cheaper than local Thai calls (about $4 an hour).

I eventually got the the Phuket Bus Station and caught the 3:00 bus to Phang Nga. Cost was 90 baht for a 90 minute drive. These are really nice touring type of buses (same as the one I caught from Bangkok to Takoa Pa) and they have A/C.

In Phang Nga I caught a "local"-esk bus (no A/C, no cushy seats - like a US school bus but shorter). I forgot to take a picture. This one cost 40 baht for a 45 minute ride (after waiting 30-45 minutes).

So the next three pics are actually from this last bus about 5:30/6:00 pm Sunday from Phang Nga to Kapong, the village near Yaowawit School.

Apparently when I say the word Kapong, the Thais think I'm saying a city near Bangkok so they kept trying to put me on a bus to Bangkok and wanted to charge me 653 baht... I kept saying... no... 30 kilos north to KaPONG, KaPaahhhhng, KaBONG, KAbong... eventually they understood but I still can't say it right!

A nice man on this bus heard me talking and when I said Kapong and Yaowawit School he told the bus driver where I was going. I got off in Kapong (a stop early) because this gentleman was helping me and he told me he'd get me a motor-taxi (motorcycle) to the school. It's about a 5 km walk (the correct bus stop is only 3 km). It turns out that one of the guards from Yaowawit School lives around the corner and he gave me a ride on the motorcycle/mo-ped. HOLY CRAP. Try riding one of these with a backpack and bag and ... don't hang on to the person driving because he's a male... and try to grip the metal thing on the back of the seat... and no helmets (although the speed is REALLY slow), and the whole time I'm thinking... "I'm going to die, please don't crash, I'm going to lose a foot, I'm going to die... don't crash... close your eyes tight!!...squeal! BUMP!AYYYYYYEEE!" The guard drove very well. I was just terrified though!

Anyways... bus from Phang Nga to Kapong...

Scenery from the window...

Time travel back now to earlier in the day at 9:00 am... back to my brisk walk through the market to the bus...

Kata Beach is a 45 minute busride from Old Town Phuket. The bus costs 40 baht (about $1).

Inside of the bus.

View driving east over the hill between Kata Beach and Phuket (Kata Beach is on the west side of the island). These are out of order... this is on the way back.

Bus fares from Kata and Karon Beach to Phuket.

Looking south from the north end of Kata Beach, notice all the buildings... I think these are apartments or condos most likely owned or rented by foreign tourists.

A lovely couple from "EE-taly" took this picture for me. I love all the different accents!

Long tail boat at the north end of the bay... lovely stroll!

Picture of me at the south side of the bay (I was hanging out on the rocks for a bit).

Beautiful view from the rocks.

View from the south end of Kata Beach looking north.

The rocks I climbed over had a couple of tide pool areas with a ton of beautiful crabs. It was hard getting pictures of them though because they are so skittish.

Tiny sand dollar... yes I picked it up and kept it! This beach has very few shells. The ones you find are smaller than a finger nail.

One of the many pics.

View from my table at lunch. I splurged and had Phad Thai and a coconut/banana shake at a really nice hotel. This was like an open bar with a small swimming pool that overlooked the beach. Cost was 353 baht (100 baht more than my hotel!) but well worth it.

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