Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15

Monday was a challenging day. I was sick-ish without having to vomit or visit the bathroom but my stomach hurt and I wanted to curl up in a ball. I pushed through my classes though. The children did really well with their lessons with the exception of the phonics class (K3) at 1:00. They were monsters. I wanted to lock them up in time out. ALL of them. I did give two of them time out. Part of the problem is that when there is no Thai teacher around they won't listen. Even Kru James apparently has this problem. They don't view the foreigners as authority to be obeyed.

I attempted to get them under "control" by sitting and waiting until they all gathered in a circle, which they finally did but then they were back to chaos and throwing the letters and running around and grabbing the letters from me (big sponge letters) and not giving them back. I finally grabbed all of them and left them in the room above the kitchen so I could go get another teacher. Lucky for me another class AND TEACHER were already on their way up. Kru Ann (about 8.5 months pregnant) got them in line again and this time they sat in a circle for me but Kru Ann had her own class to teach in the library. So this worked for about 5 minutes. (This is an HOUR long class). Then one of the girls took a paper clip and started carving into the sponge letters... this earned her a time out. I was so irritated! Kru Tan showed up and helped finish things up. THANK goodness. I was ready to wring some necks.

Again though - the other classes (including K3 in the morning) did really well with their lessons and the one on one reading and tutoring I had after that class went well. The girl I'm reading with has some learning disabilities but she's very sweet. She probably shouldn't be in Grade 5 but they felt it was best to keep her with her peers who help look after her.

So after classes I was in my bed by 3:30 in the afternoon. Woke to have a dinner of toast and snacks and then hit my room for reading and back to bed by 7:30. I don't know what the problem was but the physical's tough and then when I don't feel good the mental starts kicking in... "why am I doing this?" It's part of the gig though. As Kru James says, it's part of the human cycle. He says we need to go to the doctor and say "Why I'm sick, I'm feeling quite normal today!" He has a point. It's not always perfect. DARN. He also says that us humans probably weren't meant to live in this climate and that's probably why we keep getting sick! Not sure if I agree but for this foreigner who is not use to this climate... I might agree for me. I wasn't meant to live in this climate! Although I do enjoy the rain that occurs day in and out... off then on... quiet and soft then LOUD and hysterical...

So to borrow a quote from the Oprah daily...

Never mind if you fall far short of the thing you want to do,--encourage your effort. If no one else will say it to you, say it to yourself. 'Not so bad.' It will make the next effort easier and better.
—Josephine Demott Robinson


Michael said...

Aloha, Joy! I love your entry about the kids behaving like monsters; it left me thinking to myself, "Yes, it's a small world after all." Is it considered impolite to hang children by their toes there?
Sherri told me you were wondering if I'd like to pal around with you while we're visiting Phuket--the answer is, "Chai! Chai!" I want to see the historical and nature stuff, but I don't have anything specific planned out. Have you found any good websites and/or print resources for planning tourist activities in Thailand? Also, I have a question for you about what the guys wear there: is the most common garb slacks and short sleeved shirts? I've read that shorts aren't allowed in the wat, and I definitely want to be able to visit some of those. Do you think I need to plan on wearing pants and sport shirts vs. shorts and t-shirts? Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I hope Tuesday brings you better-behaved children! Michael

Joyann said...

Aloha and Sa waa dee ka Michael!

I can't wait to see you!

Chai Chai!! :-) Good Thai! (For those that don't know, "Chai" means "Yes").

Pants or capris/cargos below the knees are acceptable. I think men can even wear shorts but I'll find out. T-Shirts or sports shirts are both fine. (T-Shirts are pretty common).

One thing to consider is that pants (full length pants/skirts for women) are required at the Grand Palace so you will definitely want to wear full length pants there but the temples only required below the knee.

As to formal or grungy - no worries on either because both are worn. You see men dressed in as nice of pants as slacks to the very casual. I assume that this is mostly because the income levels vary of the various people who visit. I'll keep an eye out more for the men's pants-wear.

I'm going to Phuket for the weekend so I'm let you know. I'm also hoping to scout out some visitor stuff there so that we have lots of options. :-) (I may be spending time with both of you... I'm SO struggling with not seeing you guys more)!

And yes... I think the "hanging children by their toes" should be an international practice... (K3 today were monsters AGAIN). I had several in time out at the same time at multiple times!!!! And I only work with each group for 30 minutes! :-) The good news is that they are beginning to realize I mean business! :-P

Thanks for the kudos! I can't wait to see you guys!


Michael said...

Sa waa dee ka & kahb khun kah, Joyann! This information will help me a lot in my planning. I'll look forward to your update on activities in Phuket. Sherri and I are very excited to see you again, and to visit Thailand. You sound sad in your latest posts; I know how up-and-down the adjustment to a new place can be (Hawaii was hell for me at first, as you know). Hang in there through the roller coaster ride of your own emotions, and remember always to take care of yourself first; if you don't take care of yourself then you won't be able to take care of those awful, beautiful children! In the meantime, please forgive me for sounding like a big brother. Love, Michael

Joyann said...

Thanks Michael! You are very sweet. Love and hugs, can't wait to see you guys!