Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hello friends!

Today was my first official day teaching. I have a lot to learn. In the morning I get to work with K1, K2 and K3 (the three levels of kindergarten). We are working on colors (in English) and numbers and animals. I have a lot to learn with entertaining and teaching and keeping them engaged.

You would fall in love with the children. You can hear their laughter and yelling all over the school. I love their happy voices. They give you so much love too. I'm getting mauled and loving it! They sit on my lap, hug me, grab my hand... ask me to sit with them... they are very sweet.

This school is really an alternative to an orphanage. Many of these children come from the poorest of the poor and have no other options or family. I'm going to put in a plug here, you can sponsor one for $30 a month. There aren't huge admin costs etc to take the funds away from the kids. You can also get info on the child you sponsor and send them things that would go to them specifically. They need school supplies too. We recycle paper and write on the backside of pages that aren't used. Basic reader books would be extremely helpful for the little ones. I bought a box at thrift stores and 2nd hand stores and had them shipped here.

Tonight I'm sitting in the dining hall (yes... there's a restaurant and hotel... please visit)!! It would be fun to see you and you will love it here! I'm plugged into my laptop and using the wireless internet. It's harder for me to break away during the day as that's when we're teaching and I can be learning things to help. I may get a chance to work with a highschool class nearby or help with things in the village. Not sure yet what I can help with but as I get my routine down I'll keep you posted.

The weather is generally hot and muggy with at least 1-2 good rain storms during the day. Usually involving a torrential downpour and thunder at some point! I love falling asleep listening to the rain!

I had a wonderful birthday today! The kindergarten kids sang me "Happy Birthday" repeatedly and each made a picture card for me that said "Happy Birthday kur Joyann"
"kur" is teacher. It was very sweet. One of the things they are taught is that when someone asks you how you are, you answer "I am happy."

I am happy and I hope that you are happy too.

Have a great week.


Zach said...

Hey Joy!

It sounds absolutely amazing there and like you're fitting in well. When Amy taught in Martinique she stayed at her school, but it wasn't nearly as nice of place as yours sounds so you lucked out there. Hope all is well!

Zach & Co.

Unknown said...

How great. What a wonderful birthday present: the love and appreciation of a bunch of adorable kids that you are giving to in return. Thanks for writing so much so we can keep in touch with your adventure!

Joyann said...

Zach - yes I would agree that this is actually even nicer than most places in Thailand as well. I can't wait to hear about your adventures! Love you!

Scott - Thanks for the note! It was a great birthday present. To have 30 kids singing Happy Birthday to me in English in Thailand! CRAZY cool. Glad you're enjoying the blog. Some days it takes a LONG time to post but it's nice to say hi to friends and it will be a great way to remember my trip later too.

Cheers to you and Crystal!